Why Petrol Prices are so High in India?

World oil prices are at 22 month low
World oil prices are at 22 month low

World oil prices are at 22 months low at USD 54 a barrel. Prices were something like $3.98 a gallon in US in the start of September and now its around $ 1.89 a gallon. But there is yet no indication from Indian government of slashing any kind of oil prices. How much profit govt. wants to make out of oil. If FM can advice industries to reduce rates of their product to fight with inflation, why don’t they slash oil rates which is one of the biggest factor of inflation?

Hello world!

As the title suggest, this is just to say Hello to all the readers of this blog. Hope I’ll be able to express myself in such a way that my writings can help my readers in their lives. Please feel free to post me your comments if you are agree/disagree/likes or dislikes any thing written on this blog. I am not intended and will try my best not to hurt anybody by any of my writing, but if it happens in the course of this journey, my sincere apologies.